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Martin Luther's request for reforms in the Catholic Church were contained in his 95 Theses, which you can view at the link. In those Theses, the main concern was concerning indulgences. Luther contended that the Pope only had the power to remit those penalties imposed by himself, or canon law (which is in direct contradiction to Our Blessed Savior’s “power of the keys†granted to the Popes). Thus Martin Luther contended that the Pope’s power did not extend to purgatory, that his power ended here on earth. (Which by the way is Church teaching anyway)

He also contended that the Church had no power to remit punishment in exchange for money (for instance indulgences). But, again, this has always been Church teaching, and the remission of sin or penances for cash is a very grace sin known as Simony.

Luther also contended that people should be held anathema if they did not believe that apostolic nature of indulgences: (# 71: Let him be anathema and accursed who denies the apostolic character of the indulgences.) There may indeed have been abuses going on back then on an individual basis, but Luther is just agreeing with Church teaching, calling individuals to reform, not the Church.

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Q: What were three reforms Martin Luther wanted for the Catholic Church?
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A:Martin Luther initially sought to work within the Catholic Church to reform the use of indulgences. The Catholic Church refused to countenance any change, as a result of which Luther started the Protestant Reformation. Ironically, his reforms eventually did lead to change within the Catholic Church, in the form of the Catholic Reformation.

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The Catholic Church has never issued rewards for anybody. The only thing that the Catholic Church did to Martin Luther was to formalize his excommunication, see it at the link below:

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The Catholic Church never abducted little girls and, no, this was not a complaint of Martin Luther.

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No, Martin Luther King was a Baptist, a church which split off from the Church of England. It, as well as the Church of England, is considered as a Protestant denomination and not a part of the Catholic Church.

Did The Lutheran Church originate from Martin Luther's reforms?

Yes, the Lutheran Church did originate from the teachings of the Protestant reformer, Martin Luther. The Lutheran Church has many synods, or branches, with each differing slightly in belief. It is important to note that the Lutheran Church today may differ from some of Martin Luther's ideals, as he was one of many reformers or renewers of the Church. Martin Luther had concerns with the immoral practices occurring in the Roman Catholic Church during his time. Today the Roman Catholic Church has abandoned many of those practices.

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His followers. I have been raised Lutheran and I have learned that Martin Luther's original intentions were not at all to break with the Catholic church, he in fact encouraged his followers not to break from the church, he just wanted to change the corruptness of it and focus more on the Bible. The way I understand it to be is that Martin Luther's followers (not Martin Luther, it was after his death) broke from the Catholic church because they recognized the strength of the church itself and were insulted by the fact that the Catholic church excommunicated Luther.

What is the importance of martin luther's reforms and church reactions?

It gave the Negros Rights