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They can merge, to combine into a single, larger, galaxy. Or, they can separate again.


"Collide" is a misnomer because of the vast distances between stars in a galaxy, the odds of a stellar collision are extremely small.

The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy are on a collision course. If you're around when they begin to "collide" in about 4-Billion years, don't expect to see any fireworks in the sky. Except for an increase of the number of observable stars in the night sky, it will largely be a non-event.

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Yes. Galaxies do sometimes collide.

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Not generally, but galaxies do collide sometimes. In fact, the Andromeda Galaxy will probably collide with the Milky Way in about 3 billion years or so. In the collision, stars are often "flung" from one galaxy to the other, or thrown out of the original galaxy entirely. Follow the link below to see what happens when galaxies collide!

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Four billion years from now, our galaxy, the Milky Way, will collide with our large spiraled neighbor, Andromeda.

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When galaxies "collide", the individual stars do not actually smash together; they're far enough apart that they mostly slip past each other.

What happens when two galaxies collide?

Well ... they don't really collide - because a galaxy consists mostly of empty space. What does happen is that their gravitational fields overlap and the two merge into one. Possibly holding the shape of the dominant of the two, but also possibly forming a new shape altogether.

When did Gradius Galaxies happen?

Gradius Galaxies happened in 2001.

What is a merging galaxy?

Not "a" merging galaxy - merging galaxies. Sometimes two (or even more) galaxies collide, and eventually combine (i.e., "merge") into a single galaxy.

When will Andromeda Galaxy collide?

The Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are moving towards each other that a rate that will make them "collide" in about three and a quarter billion years. "Collide" is in quotes, because galaxies are mostly empty space, so it's fairly unlikely that any of the individual stars making up the two galaxies will physically touch as a result of the "collision"; instead, the two galaxies will just merge into a larger one.

How do computers help astronomers understand what happens when galaxies collide?

By translating the math model of a galaxies and a galaxy collisions into a simulation. And theoritically observe the process by experimenting with the variables.

What evidence do you have that galaxies collide with one another?

Visual evedence from telescopes. See related link for a pictorial