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It will die

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Q: What will happen to my turtle if i leave it in the water for to long?
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Where do you put the turtle when you are cleaning its tank?

depends how long it takes if short leave them in a bowl with warm water longer i suggest the sink or if big enough leave it out

How long can a turtle drift on water?

it depends on what type of turtle and how heavy it is

What happens if you leave a baby turtle in the sunlight to long?

It'll die.

How long can a snapping turtle survive without water?

A snapping turtle will occasionally come out of the water to bask in the sunlight for an hour or so. Female snapping turtles come out of the water to dig a hole and lay her eggs. She may be out of the water for up to five days.

How long can a water turtle's egg stay out of the water?

Turtle eggs cannot stay in the water for more than 48 hours after they are laid or they will die.

Can rusting happen in distilled water give reason?

yes if you leave it too long the thing its in will rust up and it will get mouldy. Metal rusts in water and distilled water is still water.

How long for snapping turtles eggs to hatch?

how long does it take for turtle eggs to hatchanswer - about 6 to 9 weeksIt takes 60-90 days for a snapping turtle egg to hatch. usually August or September. If you find an egg in the water and it has been there more than an hour it won't hatch. if you find eggs on the road or the ground (if a mother turtle was hit by a car for example) as long as the eggs are not damaged , bury them 4-6" in a warm place and leave them. If you dig up a turtle nest, leave it alone.

How long can a turtle live in cold water?

1-2 days

Should you give a red eared slider turtle a lot of water or not?

A lot of water; 10 gallons of water per 1 inch of shell. So if the turtle is 8" long it should have at least 80 gallons of water.

What does turtle drink?

Water and or alcohol I've tryed this once and the turtle is still alive... must be good for them long live bad harry

How long can turtle eggs live in water?

100 years from the day they are layed before hatching.

What kind of turtle has red around its mouth and a hard shell that is a land turtle?

It depends on where the red is on the turtle and also where you found the turtle. Also, how do you know it is a land turtle? Aquatic turtles leave the water and walk for long distances. If the red looks like a horizontal streak, on each side of the head, it could be a red ear slider. There are many pictures of turtles online and thousands of species of turtles. In the U.S., the Red Ear Slider is one of the most common species, though.