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Q: What will happen to the temperature of a fridge if you put a boiling cup of tea in it?
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Which can transfer more heat a cup of boiling water or a cup of tap water?

A cup of boiling water since it has higher temperature. Note that heat transfer depends more on the temperature.

Which can more transfer heat a cup of boiling water or 1 basin of tap water?

A cup of boiling water since it has higher temperature. Note that heat transfer depends more on the temperature.

Which can transfer more heat a cup of boiling water or 1 basin of tap water?

A cup of boiling water since it has higher temperature. Note that heat transfer depends more on the temperature.

What happen when you put a cup of milk out the fridge for 1 day?

it will get spoiled like you! just kidding hahaha!

Compared to the Pacific Ocean does a cup of hot chocolate have a higher temperature?

hot chocolate, its made from boiling water. the pacific ocean does not reach the temperature of boiling water, or no life would survive there.

Would there be a difference in the boiling point temperature of water between a cup of water and a bathtub of water?

No. Boiling point is an intensive physical property, which means it does not matter how large the sample is.

Which has a higher temperature 1 cup of boiling water or 1 teapot of boiling water?

the teapot is the higher temerature because teapot is bigger capacity than cup

If you leave a cup of hot tea standing in the kitchen for a whole day what will happen to its temperature?

it will end up the same temperature as the air in the kitchen

What would happen if you put 8 ounces of water into an eight-ounce glass cup with a sealed glass lid and started boiling the water?

As some of the water passed its temperature of vaporization and turned to steam, steam pressure inside the cup would steadily increase, and would eventually exceed the structural integrity of the cup, whereupon the experiment would suddenly and catastrophically metamorphose into a dangerous mess.

Can you store urine in a cup to use later that day for a pregnancy test?

By storing your HcG, you should cover it over in a cup and place it in the fridge. When you want to use the test, take it out of the fridge and let it warm to room temperature before testing. BUT.. you can't use this urine after 7 hours of storage as the HcG in your urine will begin to break down. Keeping it in the fridge gives you a little more time, but eventually it becomes undetectable.

What Temperature should you poach eggs at?

180 degrees is the temperature of water for poached eggs.

When you have a cup of boiling hot water next to a cup with ice cold water how does the movement of the water molecules change in each case?

Equilibrium of temperature. The water is trying to reach the same temperature as the environment it sits in. a cup of hot water has a higher temperature than the room so therefore begins to cool. a cup of cold water has a lower temperature than the room and therefore begins to heat up. both reach equilibrium when at the same temperature as the room