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Q: What will happen when to much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere is there a limit that the existing atmosphere cannot sustain life because of to much carbon dioxide?
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When is carbon dioxide not released into the atmosphere?

Plants engaged in photosynthesis during sunshine do not release CO2 in the atmosphere because it is utilized in photosynthesis

What does respiration remove from the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide is being released. As you breathe in you inhale fresh oxygen, but as you breathe out your body releases carbon dioxide.

Why is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere?

because we have a greater demand for fossil fuels and when you burn fossil fuels a lot of carbon dioxide is released

Where does co2 loading occur?

- carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere: - part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by the biosphere - part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by body of waters

How is the balance mainted between the volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen in atmosphere?

The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the atmosphere by the oxygen released by plant during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide released by human ,animal's etc in the atmosphere

What released the gases into the atmosphere?

There are various gases that are released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are three of them.

How is sulphur dioxide released in to the atmosphere?

volcanoes usually release sulphur dioxide, after an eruption.

How does burning trees effects carbon dioxide?

Burning trees not only creates more carbon dioxide because of the smoke released from the burning, but also because trees help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They take in CO2 and release oxygen. The less trees there are, the more CO2 in our atmosphere.

Is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when you burn fuel?

yes it is

How is the carbon dioxide from rocks released into the atmosphere?

by means of plants

How is carbon dioxide released from carbonate rocks into the atmosphere?

by means of plants

What relese during respiration?

When you exhale, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.