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Q: What will the white dwarf that remains when our sun dies will be mostly made of?
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What remains after a low-mass or medium-mass star dies?

white dwarf

Will the sun become a giant diamond?

No. When the sun dies it will form an object called a white dwarf, made mostly of carbon and oxygen. A white dwarf is made of electron degenerate matter, a state of matter far denser than anything found on Earth.

When a red dwarf dies does it make a nebula?

Yes, but it can also make a black hole or a white dwarf.

Can our sun become a neutron star?

No. it is not massive enough. When the sun dies it will become a white dwarf.

Can the sun leave a black hole when it dies?

No. It is not nearly massive enough. When the sun dies it will leave behind a remnant called a white dwarf.

When the sun dies what kind of star will it be?

It will first become a red giant, then turn into a white dwarf and in billions and billions of years it will become a black dwarf.

Will the sun become a brown dwarf?

No. A brown dwarf is a failed star, one that is not massive enough to start nuclear fusion. The sun is well above the threshold of fusion. When it dies it will become a white dwarf.

What will the Sun end up as when its nuclear energy source dies out forever?

At the mass of the Sun, it will become a white dwarf - and when that one cools down, eventually a black dwarf.

What happens when Sirius dies?

he dies in the order if the phoenix, bellatrix kills him

What is a Star that explodes at the end of it's life known as?

Initially the sun will swell up into a red giant shedding her out layers until she shrinks. When it dies out it will turn into a heavy and useless white dwarf and earth will be frozen and unlivable.

What is the difference between the protostar and the white dwarf?

A protostar is a star that is in the early stages of formation that has not yet become a main sequence star. A white dwarf is a remnant left behind after a low to medium mass star dies.

Is a dead star the some as a black dwarf?

No, a dead star is different from a black dwarf. A black dwarf is a type of stellar remnant, but not all stars become black dwarfs. When a star dies it will leave behind a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black dwarf as a remnant depending on its mass. Given enough time a white dwarf will eventually cool to a black dwarf. The universe is not old enough for this cooling to have happened yet.