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Bondage, servitude, slavery.

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Q: What word means someone who worked as a slave?
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What does the word enslaved means?

To have made someone into a slave.

What word means someone who flees for example an escaping slave?


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Kikeh as derived for the word Kakeh that mean kitchen and the word Klik that means slave so it means Kitchen Slave.

What is the Roman word for slave?

Go to the page at the related link below, the answer is there.

What word means missing someone?

Another word that means missing someone is pining. The word pining means to deeply yearn for or to suffer with longing for someone.

What is the meaning of the word enslaved person?

Enslave - To make someone a slave Slave -An owned person from a legal property that is forced to obey the slave 'owner'

What does inslaved mean?

"Enslaved" is the correct spelling of the word, which means to be held captive and forced to work without pay or freedom. It refers to the state of being a slave, where one's rights and autonomy are taken away by another individual or group.

What is another name for a Greek slave from Ancient Greece?

The Greek word is doulos.If someone wants you to say helot, a helot was not a slave, it means serf - a person bound to a particular block of land, for which he pays a percentage of his crop to the owner.

What does the Latin word servo mean?

it means slave or servant.

What is the denotative meaning of the word feverishly?

It means someone who is exhibiting an agitated and intense behavior, such as--> "He worked at a feverish pace." It also means someone who is showing signs of having a fever such as sweating, high temperature, weakness, etc.

What is the collective noun for slaves?

Collective nouns for slaves are a gang of slaves or a coffle of slaves.

The word robot comes from what language?

It means worker or slave in Czech.