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If you mean they had defeated the independent Greek city-states in 480 BCE, they would have installed a puppet government in each of the city states, and a Satrap (governor) for a new province of Greece. The city populations would have been restive, and there would have been frequent coups to get rid of the puppets, just as had happened throughout the previous three hundred years, and had happened in the Greek cities of Asia Minor. These coups would have been put down with increasing ferocity, so Greece would have been in turmoil. How long it would have taken to gain back their independence is anybody's guess.

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11y ago

The cities of peninsular Greece would have been incorporated in the Persian empire, each under a Persian-appoined Greek puppet, with a Persian provincial governor, which was the aim of the invasion.

The cities would have been restive, and in all probability have eventually expelled the Persian rule and got beck to fighting amongst themselves, which is what the Persians had aimed to stop.

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10y ago

The Persians would have enforced peace amongst the Greek city-states to stop their constant wars.

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