

Best Answer

7 AM Pacific Standard Time

= 8 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time

= 8 AM Mountain Standard Time

= 9 AM Mountain Daylight Saving Time

= 9 AM Central Standard Time

= 10 AM Central Daylight Saving Time

= 10 AM Eastern Standard Time

= 11 AM Eastern Daylight Saving Time

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Q: What would be the time for eastern time zone mountain time zone and pacific time zone if the central time zone was 9 am?
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What are 4 continental us time zones?

Pacific, Mountain, Central and Eastern. The four time zones are from West to East, and as you go East into another time zone, clocks move one hour ahead. Example: If it was 6:00 AM in San Fransisco (Pacific Time), it would be 9:00 AM in NYC (Eastern Time).

What time is 1 o'clock central time in the eastern time zone?

It would be 2pm in Eastern Time. The four major U.S. time zones are arranged so that from east to west they are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Eastern is the earliest, and each zone is one hour behind the one before it. So if it is 2pm in Eastern, it's 1pm Central, 12pm Mountain, and 11am Pacific.

What is 8pm eastern time in pacific time?

Midnight Eastern Time is 9 PM Pacific Time. Eastern Time is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Time. The U.S. has four main time zones. From west to east, they are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time, and Eastern Time. Each is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3 PM Pacific Time, then it's 4 PM Mountain Time, 5 PM Central Time, and 6 PM Eastern Time.

How many time zones would you pass through travelling from LA California to Miami Florida?

One would pass through two time zones and enter a third, unless one went through Arizona (technically), in which case one would pass through three and enter a fourth.

What time is 6am Pacific Time in the Eastern Time Zone?

It would be 9 AM. The U.S. has four main time zones. From west to east, they are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time, and Eastern Time. Each is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3 PM Pacific Time, then it's 4 PM Mountain Time, 5 PM Central Time, and 6 PM Eastern Time.

What time is difference between 2pm PST and 2pm CST?

12:00 pm in the pacific standard time

How many time zone are in the Continental US?

The continental United States includes five time zones. The time zones in the "contiguous" 48 states are Eastern Standard Time, Central Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time, and Pacific Standard Time. Alaska is in the "continental" U.S. and has Alaska Standard Time Zone. Hawaii is not in continental U.S. It uses Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Zone.

If it is 2 pm Pacific standard time. what time is it in central?

US Atlantic Standard Time = GMT/UTC -4 US Pacific Standard Time = GMT/UTC -8 There is a four hour difference between the two zones, Atlantic time is farther east, so it is ahead of Pacific time. Example: If it were 2:00 pm AST the time in the PST Zone would be 10:00 am

If it took 14 hours to travel from Oregon to New York and you left Oregon at 4pm what time would you arrive in New York according to the Eastern Time Zone?

Most of Oregon is in the Pacific Time Zone, but a small portion of it is on Mountain Time. New York is on Eastern Time. The four main time zones in the U.S. are, from west to east: Pacific ---> Mountain ---> Central ---> Eastern. Each one is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3PM Pacific Time, then it's 4PM Mountain Time, 5PM Central Time, and 6PM Eastern Time. So, depending on which time zone in Oregon you are in, 4PM in Oregon is 6PM or 7PM in New York. Fourteen hours after 6PM and 7PM is 8AM and 9AM. So, if you are leaving from the part of Oregon that's on Pacific Time, then it will 9AM when you arrive in New York. If you're leaving from the part that's on Mountain Time, it will be 8AM.

What time is 9am pacific time in the eastern time zone?

Pacific Time : 9am Mountain Time 10am Central Time: 11am Atlantic Time: 12 pm

If its 8am Pacific time what time is that eastern time?

Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the US is the equivalent of GMT -5. Vietnam is GMT +7, that makes Vietnam 12 hours ahead of the US EST. Example: If it were 8:00 am in EST, the time in Vietnam would be 8:00 pm.

Would you find more mountain in the eastern or western part of a mountain?
