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Go see your doctor right away!

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Q: What would cause a 54 years old woman to bleed heavy and pass bli clots?
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Related questions

Can implantation bleeding be more than spotting?

Yes, it sure can be! Implantation bleeding varies from woman to woman, and someimes is heavier, and may even contain clots! Don't get discouraged if your implantation bleeding is bright red, heavy, and contains clots. And isn't the average "light pink or light brown" mumbo jumbo. Every woman is different!

How much blood does a woman bleed during her period?

It varies from woman to woman. I think with a normal period you bleed about 7Tbs.

Can a woman bleed when not her period?

Period is heavy and four days early any bad symptoms?

Every woman is different, some: Start Early and others are somtimes late. Some bleed lighter, some moderate, and there are some heavy bleeders. Note: I don't think anything is wrong.

Why woman see clots when they get their period?

Because the lining of the uterus doesn't simply 'flow' away - it breaks away in small 'clumps' which appear as small clots on a sanitary towel.

What else causes a woman to bleed besides menstruation?

Many things can cause a woman to bleed besides menstruation. Some types of birth control can cause abnormal bleeding or spotting. Sometimes sexual intercourse can cause some spotting or light bleeding. Stress has been known to postpone or trigger menstruation. The safest way to deal with a problem like this, though, is to see a doctor. There are several adverse things that can cause bleeding also and it is best to find the reason why there is abnormal bleeding to make sure there is nothing wrong or to correct it if there is.

How many days should a woman bleed when she has her period?

It varies from woman to woman, but is usually between 2 and 7 days.

Is it normal passing clots 6 months after birth?

Passing clots is considered normal up to 3 weeks after giving birth. At six months, a woman should consult her doctor.

What does it mean if a woman is having a period with clots but her uterus is gone?

It means that her insides are getting cleaned up

How heavy is a woman's breast?

It varies.

Should a woman bleed for more than two weeks?

In general, a woman should not bleed for more than two weeks when she is on her period. Even after childbirth the general rule of thumb is that a new mother will bleed for about 2 weeks. However, sometimes her period will last longer than that.

Why is a woman that is not pregnant urinating blood and blood clots?

that's not heathly at all! go see a dr sweety