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my doctor said it was the prenatal vitamins I was taking.

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Q: What would cause hives in early pregnancy?
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Would water cause hives?

Water - never. Something in it? Sure.

What would cause bleeding a week early?

The following will cause early bleeding: * Irregular period * Pregnancy * UTI * Hormonal Imbalance * Stopping birth control * Starting birth control

Are these hives or an allergic reaction?

Hives are an allergic reaction, as are many rashes. However, you would need to see a doctor to help determine the cause. Hives are usually raised welts.

Can you get Hives from vitamin d?

No, absolutely not. If there are other ingredients in the vitamin for filler, they might, but vitamin D will not cause hives, it is an essential vitamin. Getting hives from vitamin D would be like getting hives from vitamin C.

Does pregnancy cause inflammation in the uterus?

Pregnancy does not cause inflammation in the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy would serve no biological purpose.

Can drinking Gatorade cause hives?

I drank Gartorade all my life with no problems. But after I turned 25 I noticed an allergic reaction after I drank Gatorade. I would get hives on my face and arms. People can develop reactions to certain dyes. I believe this may be the cause.

Can yeast infections cause periods to come early or bleeding?

Yes. They can also cause complications that include sterility. See your gynecologist.

Would pregnancy cause TMJ?

stress during pregnancy can lead to tempromandibular disorder

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No, when having a miscarriage in the first trimester it's usually because the fetus would not make it through the pregnancy. It can be deformed for instance. Mother Nature takes care of it so to speak.

What is in seedless watermelon that would make someone break out in hives?

There is nothing necessarily in the watermelon that would make someone break out in hives. They might be allergic to watermelon and this would be why they broke out in hives.

Get pierced in the early stage of pregnancy?

Why would you get your navel pierced in the early stage of pregnancy? YES im assuming you mean a navel piercing. Otherwise what was the point of asking this.

When would you start experience signs of early pregnancy?

After the first missed period.