

What would happen if Israel was attacked by the Arabs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Answer 1

Wiped off the map. but Arab dictators are puppets of US and US is puppet of Zionists.

Arabs are different. Shia Muslims and not Shia Muslims. non Shia Arabs have shown that have no power against Israel and US. but not Shia Muslims. Shia Muslims have support from God and always many miracles happen in their wars and special angels come to help them in the wars even if the number of shia Muslims is very few in the wars (this is promised by God in Quran 3:125). Iran/Iraq (Saddam) war is another example of Shia Muslim wars. Karbala war is another example of Shia Muslim wars but this war was for saving the real Islam from being extincted and not for winning the physical war.

By only considering the Hezbollah small group power in the 33 days Hezbollah/Israel war it is enough to know the result. in this war Israel attacked Lebanon but Hezbollah had all the attack plan of Israel and so Israel defeated and for the first time in history asked cease fire in war (i.e. asked cease fire from Hezbollah). but most of western media who are friend with Israel tried to hide this defeat and even show it as victory.

Hezbollah calls Israel and US as terrorists and Israel and US call Hezbollah as terrorist.

Another reference is wars between Israel and Palestine Islamic Jihad group who are Shia Muslims mostly.


Answer #1.5 :

Answer #1 avoids reference to 1948, 1967, and 1973,

when Israel WAS attacked by the Arabs.

Answer 2

There is little question concerning what would happen if Israel was attacked by its Arab neighbors: defeat for the Arab attackers. It would probably be nearly as humiliating for the Arabs as 1967 if they attacked with the current state of affairs.

Historically, Israel defeated Arab attacks and belligerent activities in 1948-1949, 1967-1970, and 1973. Some of these Arab defeats (especially 1973) were repackaged by the Arab leaders as victories even though no major Arab goals were achieved and the armistices were signed as all Israeli positions were advancing.

If the question is asking about today, the Arabs would have even less of a shot than they did historically. Iraq, Syria, and Egypt, the strongest Arab belligerents against Israel in Israeli history have their own internal problems ranging from civil strife to civil war quagmire. If they cannot contain their own problems, they would be unable to launch a preemptive attack on Israel. Jordan has a very fruitful peace with Israel at the moment, which would deter attacks from them, aside from the fact that their army is not a match for Israel's. Lebanon only fought Israel in 1948 and was quickly defeated by Israel at that time. Additionally, the Lebanese were unable to protect Lebanon when Israel invaded in 2006. This would make it appear that the Lebanon could not launch a successful offensive against Israel. Militant Organizations like Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah have a better track-record against the Israeli Defense Forces, but all militant victories against Israel have occurred on that organization's home territory. This is because militant organizations rely on local networks and urban warfare to fight and retreat/hide quickly. Such methods of attack work well for defensive war, but are almost useless in offensive war. No militant group has ever scored a success on Israeli territory.

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