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he would die cause whithout food the animal gonna die

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Q: What would happen if an animal got removed from a food web?
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If any animal was removed from the food web the animals that it would prey on would overpopulate and the animals that hunted it would starve because it has nothing to feed on.

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The rest of the food chain would collapse and there would be lots of deaths from starvation.

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the whole food chain would be destroyed

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The ecosystem would not be successful. Eg, plants are eaten by deer. If the plants were removed, the deer would have to look for another food or die.

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Potentially bad stuff.

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Other animals will die

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all the animal would die

What would happen to the cricket population if all the grass was removed?

since the grass is the crickets food the population of crickets would decrease if all the grass was removed

What may happen to the other organisms in a food web if a species goes extinct?

If an animal were to be removed from a food chain, the entire ecosystem could easily fall apart or futhermore be destroyed. Say that a herbivore such as a mouse that feeds on grass was too be removed. And that the mouse would be eaten by a snake..the snake population would decrease from starvation and the grass would increase.