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It becomes a calcium cation - Ca2+

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Q: What would happen if calcium atom loses 2 electrons?
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Would calcium gain or lose electrons?

calcium loses two electrons, becoming a +2 ion

What scientific element has 20 electrons?

Calcium has twenty electrons in each atom.

What would happen if you ate pure calcium?

Nothing would happen. You would just get a lot of calcium.

How many electrons does calcium1- have?

A Calcium ion with a -1 net charge would have 21 electrons. Calcium as a stable element has 20 electrons.

If calcium is most happy with a charge of 2 how many electrons would it have?

The neutral atom of calcium has 20 electrons; the cation Ca2+ has 18 electrons.

What is the symbol for the atom that has 40 electrons?

Technically, any atom could have 40 electrons, but it would have a very weird charge. However, Zirconium has 40 electrons without being an ion.

Would you expect calcium to gain or lose electrons in a chemical reactions?

Like all metals calcium will lose electrons.

If calcium lost two electrons it would have the same number of electrons as?


Would atom with an atomic number of 3 lose or gain electrons?

Lithium loses electrons.

Would calcium want to donate or accept electrons?

Calcium metal is an electron donor. As a group 2A metal, calcium has two valance electrons that it tends to give away to non metals, forming the Ca 2+ cation. Ca --> Ca2+ + 2 e- However, often people say calcium, when they mean calcium ion. Be sure which you are asking about.

Does calcium want to keep all of its electrons?

Calcium is a metal. Metals give away their electrons off to non-metals. So i would say when calcium is combining with another atom it wants to give away its electrons so it can be an ion.

How many electrons would calcium have to give up to achieve a noble-gas configuration?

Calcium has to lose 2 electrons to form noble gas configuration.