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The neutral atom of calcium has 20 electrons; the cation Ca2+ has 18 electrons.

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Q: If calcium is most happy with a charge of 2 how many electrons would it have?
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How many electrons does calcium1- have?

A Calcium ion with a -1 net charge would have 21 electrons. Calcium as a stable element has 20 electrons.

What is the symbol for the atom that has 40 electrons?

Technically, any atom could have 40 electrons, but it would have a very weird charge. However, Zirconium has 40 electrons without being an ion.

What is the electric charge on the ion in the compound calcium oxide?

Well the charge on the compound would be stable (0) when bonded, because the Calcium has given it's electrons to the Oxygen atom. But the charge on the calcium ion itself would be 2+

When calcium forms an ion what is its charge?

Ca has 2 electrons in its valence shell. When ionized, it transfers its 2 extra electrons to another atom in order to stabalize its outer shell. Therefore, it is losing 2 negatively charged particles and gains a charge of "2+".

What would its charge be Calcium has a atomic number of 20. It can form an ion by losing 2 electrons?


What is the electric charge on the calcium ion in the compound calcium oxide?

Well the charge on the compound would be stable (0) when bonded, because the Calcium has given it's electrons to the Oxygen atom. But the charge on the calcium ion itself would be 2+

For calcium ca write the numbers of electrons it must gain or lose to have 8 vlance electrons then calculate the charge of the ion that would form?

Ca must lose 2 electrons to have a complete 3n shell, which has 8 valence electrons. The ion would have a charge of 2+: Ca^2+.

If a calcium atom has 20 protons and 20 neutrons and 18 electrons what is the magnitude of it's charge in coloumbs?

Ca (2+) I think because since there are two less electrons then the charge would become positive.

What scientific element has 20 electrons?

Calcium has twenty electrons in each atom.

Would calcium gain or lose electrons?

calcium loses two electrons, becoming a +2 ion

The compound CaSO4 ionizes into a calcium ion and a sulfate ion SO4 Calcium has 2 electrons in its outer shell Upon ionization what would you expect the charge on the sulfate ion to be?

SO4 2-

What is the overall charge of an atom with an atomic number of 20?

Well if you look at your periodic table you will notice that calcium is the element with the atomic number of 20. Since calcium is a group 2A metal, it seeks to lose 2 electrons which means that a stable ion of calcium would have a charge of 2+ since it has lost 2 electrons with negative charges. This situation will occur if you dissolve CaCl (calcium chloride) into water, where the compound would break up into its constituent ions, which would be Ca^2+ and Cl^2-