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Constellations are patterns of stars in the sky, if the constellations disappeared then all the stars would disappear, and there would be virtually no astronomy. :(

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Q: What would happen if constellations disapearred?
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What would happen if there were no stars or constellations?

We would not exist. Our sun is a star.

What would happen if all constellations dissappeared?

Nothing at all. Constellations are man made, so the stars will still be there.

What would happen if you traveled to the equator of the Earth to view constellations?

The constellations would be the same, but The temperature would be very hot because the closer you get to the equator, the hotter the climate gets.

What would happen if you traveled to the north or south pole to view constellations?

You meet Club Penguin.

What would happen if all of the planets lined up?

I predict that the constellations would look different.

What is the location of the winter constellation?

There are handful of constellations thought of as "Winter constellations" - you would have to specify the name of the constellation.

Why do you think people long ago decide to name the constellations?

they would name these constellations because when they were travailing they would makes names for the constellations to find their villages one famous name was Dakudo which means where the home is.

Do sailors really use the constellations to find where to go?

they do because they know which constellations go north, south, west, and east Also, they would get lost without constellations.

What would you call a group of stars that aren't constellations?

A group of stars. Constellations aren't actually connected stars.

What telescope would you use to see the constellations?


What tool would you use to identify constellations?


What is the names of the stars in the sky?

Those would be "constellations".