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The Western Hemisphere's continents would have no human inhabitants. The Native Americans came from Asia, presumably over the land bridge before it was flooded over from rising waters, so they never would have lived in the Americas had they not first entered the western hemisphere themselves.

But if you intended a scenerio where the Native Americans did populate America, and the Europeans didn't discover it, then it would not be called the Americas after Amerigo Vespuchi, and the Indians would not have the politicaly incorect designation as Indians either. There would have to be very different history. Had the Vikings not visited the western hemisphere, and raided Indian settlements along the east coast (long before the spanish visited), the development of society there would have surely taken a different path. Perhaps the Mound Builders would never have vanished, and perhaps conflicts between the Native American empires would have spurred technological innovations the likes of which have never been seen.

If this bizarre plot were to unfold further with no contact between the two sides of the Earth, then it could have been Native American armies which ultimately conquered the decaying empires of Europe. WW1, WW2, the space race, all could have very easily been removed from history had anything been different, but if this scenerio happened, who knows what would be different by this time. With the absence of WW1 and 2, warfare would be carried out differently, the Arian race or whatever would have been annihilated by the red master race instead of causing so much terror to the world themselves, and perhaps feeble and submissive caucasians would now be typical slaves, the strong having been eliminated by the invaders. And people would wonder what would be different, had the Europeans or even the Asians discovered the continents of the western hemisphere before the western hemisphere discovered them.

Contact between the two hemispheres was inevitable. But if events had transpired in such a way that contact was postponed, something like this could have happened.

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