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Chuck Norris would die

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Q: What would happen if too much fertilizer and too little water are sprayed onto a lawn?
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the effect of the amount of fertilizer on plant height?

IV : amount of fertilizer 3 levels of IV : lots of fertilizer, a little fertilizer, no fertilizer. DV : plant height 3 constants : location, amt of water, type of plant graph : Bar

Do plants grow faster in fertilizer or water?


Water insoluble fertilizer?

A fertilizer for agriculture must be soluble in water, more or less.

What is the ratio of fertilizer to water?

two to three table spoon of fertilizer

How long does it take to dissolve fertiliser?

Fertiliser dissolves in water. Heavy watering or one day of heavy rain will dissolve it.It depends upon the quality of the product, quantity sprayed and type of fertilizer used for selected type of pests

What happen after the mixture of baking power and water?

it will fizz a little

What would happen if both fertilizer and alien plant ended up in the river?

it will cause aquatic animals to suffocate by draining out all the oxygen in the water

Where did drought happen before?

a drought can happen anywhere with little water such asesert or even in the praries

Why is water sprayed on furit and vegetables?

Water is sprayed on fruits and vegetables in order to wash off dust particles, excess microorganisms, and possible pesticide residues.

Why is coal constently Sprayed with water?

To reduce dust.

Why are crops destroyed if sprayed with salt water?


What might happen if too little water moved out a cell?

it will swell