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You would hard hard egg white (albumin) Ever poached an egg?

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Q: What would happen if you boil an egg yolk?
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What will happen when you stir the egg yolk?

A: The egg yolk will all get scrambled together and it also gets all yellow.

What happen if you break the egg and there is no yolk and mix it in your food?

I broke the egg there was no yolk and I mixed it with the food what happens if we eat the food

What happen when a little red is inside the yolk?

The red in the yolk means that the egg has been fertilized

How would different pops affect egg yolk?

it will turn or change the egg yolk a different color

What is the time needed to soft boil an egg?

About 3 minutes to soft boil a medium size hens egg, 90 seconds to soft boil a quail egg, and as for a duck egg, the food hygiene regulations (in the UK) state a minimum of 12 minutes, to kill salmonella bacteria, by this time the duck egg will be hard boiled.

Do you smash the yolk in the egg when making egg salad?

No, you will want to hard boil (also sometimes referred to as "hard cook") the eggs then chop them up.

What is the middle part of an egg?

the yolk! yolk

Is the yolk inside the egg or outside?

no, the egg yolk is just the yolk. and the egg white is just the white

What is the correct answer the yolk of egg is white or the yolk of egg are white?

First both would be wrong because the yolk of an egg is in fact yellow not white!However, on the point of grammar, the yolk of an egg is a singular object and therefore the correct declination of the verb to be in the sentence would be 'is' and not 'are'.Thus the proper form is 'the yolk of the egg is yellow' and for the plural case 'the yolks of the eggs are yellow'

Which is fatier the egg yolk or white?

the egg yolk

Which would fall faster and egg or egg yolk?

Neither would drop faster. The egg and the egg yolk both have the same forces of gravity acting on them. so this means that they both will drop at the same time.