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Energy drinks have no benefit or effect on plants. There is nothing in them that a plant needs.

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It will die

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Q: What would happen if you feed your plant an energy drink?
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The plant would die. Chloroplast turns light into energy and without energy the plant would eventually die.

What would happen if you drink an energy drink before exercising?

you would probably excersize like a crazy person

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i think the reaction of the plant will be to die without chloroplasts.

Does a plant grow faster with water or an energy drink?

Plants grow faster with water because, it can get its own glucose through photosynthesis. On the other side energy drinks are full of weird colors and stuff anyway, which wouldn't help the plant to grow but the energy in the drink would probably give the plant the energy to grow faster. Water is free from all the chemicals, and helps the plant to grow faster.

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If a plant cell (or any cell for that matter...) lacked a mitochondria, then it wouldn't be able to produce the energy needed to function.

What would Monster Energy Drink do to a plant?

I know this really shouldn't happen, but my biology teacher told us today that it gave one students' mung bean plant thorns. We plant mung beans and water the bean until it sprouts, then we intro a variable. Other students have done it, but only one kids' sprouted thorns.

How does energy happen?

energy doesn't happen, it exists. for energy to happen, energy would have to be an action (verb), but it is a thing (noun).

What would happen if you vocally abuse a plant?

Your throat will get soar, nothing will happen to the plant.