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I had one about 5 years ago and my doctor put me on bc pills so i wouldn't get pregnant after. He told me it is more likely to come back within the next yr after having a molar pregnancy....but I would consult my doctor if i were you bc ive heard alot of others that are ttc and they have a baby 6 months after....good luck!!

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Q: What would happen if you got pregnant right after having a dc for a molar pregnancy?
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What is the cause of a molar pregnancy?

A molar pregnancy is an abnormally fertilized egg. Molar pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg does not have any of the mother's chromosones, or the father's chromosones duplicate.

When did Molar Maul happen?

Molar Maul happened in 1983.

How soon after dc for molar pregnancy will you stop having pregnancy symptoms?

Depending how far along you were, it could take a while for the HCG and the progesterone to come down. You could experience symptoms until that happens.

Can ultrasound differentiate molar pregnancy and fibroid?

Yes it can!

If you had a molar pregnancy before could you still have kids?

I had a molar pregnancy and my doctor recommended to wait at least one year to try again. Then I had a miscarriage and after that, I had two more kids.

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My levels went from 1410 to 1670 is that normal for 6 weeks pregnant?

If it's a single pregnancy then it's not pregnant & i would ask your doctor to do an ultrasound asap. please read about molar pregnancies just so u understand all the possibilites.

What causes Beta HCG Levels to rise?

Being pregnant causes HGC to be in your body. If you want more detail than that; it's a hormone that your body produces when you are pregnant. That is what home pregnancy tests detect. If you have HGC in your urine, you are pregnant. P.S. its actually HCG... if you'd like info on HGC, please go to this wikipedia link:

Why shouldn't you use an IUD after a molar pregnancy?

risk of uterine perforation

My one year old got her first molar before her laterals what will happen?

Nothing, she just got her molar first is all.

How do Dr remove placenta in phantom pregnancy?

If you are experiencing a placenta but no live baby, then a doctor will need to perform a D&C on you. It is effectively an abortion. They scrape down the insides of your uterus and remove all pregnancy related tissue. You will bleed for 1-2 weeks afterwards as if you have given birth and then your body will "re-set" itself and recognise you are not pregnant. This is a blighted ovum or possibly a molar pregnancy. Tis is not a phantom pregnancy, a phantom pregnancy is all in the mind.

Why would you get a positive Pregnancy test and an inconclusive ultrasound test and your HCG level be more than doubling over the course of two days?

it might be a molar pregnancy