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Well Let's look at what Tesla Invented.

He invented:

1. A/C Motor.

Not only did he invent the Alternating Current Motor, which is used in almost ever electric appliance out there, He pioneered the entire system, without A/C we would be using D/C. D/C would mean having to place a coal burning power station every 2 miles, also it would use 500% more wires then what you'd see today. So our natural resources would dwindle down more rapidly then today, also electricity rates would be much higher and getting Electricity to isolated towns would be difficult, and some areas impossible.

2. Radio signals, now Radio signals are all around us, not just by FM/AM radio but by WiFi and Cellphone towers are also radio. So cellphones would be gone, so would wireless internet altogether

Those are just his biggest inventions. But without those electricity in households would not be possible and would have little need.

Thomas Edison. never invented something great so every thing would be the same if never existed

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