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Q: What year did the Chernobyl nuclear power plant blow up?
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Which country did the Chernobyl power plant blow up in?

Current day Ukraine. But in 1986 when it happened it was considered the Soviet Union

Why is it dangerous to use nuclear power to make electricity?

Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Radioactivity, nuclear wastes that will be around for hundred or thousands of years, power plants that can blow up easy if you don't know what you are doing, nuclear material that can be stolen and be used to make atomic weapons. All nuclear power does is to boil water and make steam. There are far easier, less dangerous, or expensive ways to make steam. Restrict nuclear power to aircraft carriers, submarines and deep space satellites that go away from the sun (and out of the range of solar panels).

What date did the nuclear power station blow up?

31st February :-)

The worst nuclear power accident in world history occurred at?

Japan (Fukashima Plant I). Four Reactors blow and melt down. Radiation spread throughout all of Japan.

Can a power plant can explode like a nuclear weapon?

No, a nuclear weapon needs a specific geometry to detonate, and it has to be held in this position by very high explosives to keep it in this shape. In a nuclear reactor, if the reactor core goes critical then the force of the expanding coolant will blow the reactor apart, preventing a nuclear blast.

Does nuclear energy blow up?

No. Define "blow up". Power plants have malfunctions that can kill people, unrelated to nuclear fuel. Nuclear elements can be arranged to blow up but you have to get everything exactly right. More danger exists from exposure to the fuel, if it has been activated.

Why did chernobyl blow up but three mile island didn't?

The reason Chernobyl failed is because the plans used to design the plant were old and out of date. The technology was years behind. Where as Three Mile Island has multiple fail safes. All nuclear reactors have these. If something fails they have a fail safe to stop it, and if that fails there is another; and so on and so on. Three Mile has 4 fail safes, two of which failed and the third caught it preventing disaster.

What can cause a nuclear power plant blow up?

A steam explosion from flash evaporation of coolant water. This is what blew up Chernobyl.A chemical hydrogen/oxygen gas explosion caused by build up of hydrogen gas in the plant when water decomposes on contact with overheated zirconium fuel rod cladding.A nuclear explosion in a nuclear reactor is not possible, the fuel cannot be assembled into a supercritical mass configuration fast enough (~1ms) as this would require explosives. If the reactor core did suddenly go slightly supercritical, the energy release would simply cause a brief partial meltdown, restoring the material to a subcritical configuration. This could trigger a steam explosion that ejected parts of the reactor core (as happened at Chernobyl) but no nuclear yield would occur.

What is good about nuclear fields?

Because you can blow people with the nuclear powers

What accidents might occur from working in coal power stations?

For one, the coal power station might blow up if it gets too hot, obviously causing an accident. Basically, a coal power station worker's biggest worry is if it will blow up. GO NUCLEAR ENERGY AND BARACK OBAMA

Is this how you spell exsplod?

No, that is not correct.The correct spelling is explode.For example:They watched the bomb explode from a distance.The nuclear plant was about to explode.

What made chernobyl blow up?

When the rods were dropped in only the graphite tips touched it and this caused an explosion, it was because of a design fault