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October 1962. There is a documentary available from the history channel called the Missiles Of October.

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Q: What year did the US blockade Cuba to force it to remove soviet missiles?
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Cuba missiles how did us react?

The United States, under JFK, ordered the Soviet Union, who first put them there, to take them out immediately. They then prepared for an Army invasion of Cuba in case they had to take the missiles out by force. When a blockade by the United States was put into action to prevent more missiles coming into Cuba, the Soviet Union took the missiles back as long as the United States agreed to have nothing ever to do with Cuba. This is why all relations to Cuba were cut off by the United States.

How did President Kennedy resolve the Cuban Missile crisis?

He ordered a naval blockade. When the Russian ships carrying missile arrived near Cuba, they were stopped and turned back.

Is it true that President Kennedy favored the Test Ban Treaty to force the soviet to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba?

Publicly and chronologically speaking, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is about nuclear tests, and was signed after Kennedy forced the Soviets to withdraw their missiles. In my opinion, the way you put it, he may have wanted america to seem to be a force for peace. Good question, president-wise.

What led to the Soviets blockade West Berlin?

a reunification of the three western zones of occupation

How many people died from the Berlin blockade?

As I understand it nobody died due to the Soviet blockade of Berlin. The US Air Force began flying in supplies long before that would have become an issue. A few deaths did result from airplane crashes during the airlift operations to supply Berlin. However of course some people did die during the period of the Soviet blockade of Berlin but those were from the usual causes people die from and were not directly connected to the blockade.

Did Berlin blockade force the western powers to leave the city?

Did the Berlin blockade force the western powers to leave the city

How did the Berlin Blockade help stop the spread of communism?

Stalin put the Berlin Blockade in place on the 24th of June 1948. The blockades aim from the Soviet point of view was to force all "Westerners" (that is Berliners) out of Eastern Berlin which was the Soviet occupation zone. However, Truman the American president decided to airlift supplies into Eastern Berin and the blockade was lifted by Stalin a year later. The outcome was widespread German resentment against the Communists and support for the Americans

What was the most dangerous moment in the missiles crisis?

I assume you are asking about the Cuban Missile Crisis? If so then the bay of pigs was very tense, as Cuba/Russia could interpret the attack as a declaration of war against them and could launch. This attack was passed off and the next tense moment arrived at the end of the crisis, Kennedy had 5 options of what to do:Do nothing: American vulnerability to Soviet missiles was not new. Newly placed missiles in Cuba made little strategic difference in the military balance of power.Diplomacy: Use diplomatic pressure to get the Soviet Union to remove the missiles.Warning: Send a message to Castro to warn him of the grave danger he and Cuba were in.Blockade: Use the US Navy to block any missiles from arriving in Cuba.Air strike: Use the US Air Force to attack all known missile sites.Invasion: Full force invasion of Cuba and overthrow of Castro.These options all had negatives especially, 'Do nothing', 'Blockade', 'Air Strikes', and 'Invasion'. Diplomacy seemed to be the only way to solve the problem, however it could mean that Cuba/Russia would not remove the missiles and could leave some there in secret. Cuba remained communist because of Diplomacy, this may not have happened with some of the more violent solutions but those options could have caused missile launches.

How did the soviet union and the US come close to war in 1962?

The Cuban Missile Crisis. The USA found out the Soviets were building missiles that could carry nuclear warheads on Cuba. Missiles which had the range to reach the USA. The USA had a naval blockade around Cuba to keep Soviet ships from reaching Cuba. A USA U-2 recon. spy plane was shot down over Cuba and the American pilot killed. The Soviet ships went back to Russia. The Soviet dismantled their missile launch sites, and the USA dismantled it's missile sites in Turkey, which could hit Russia, if launched.

What was the purpose of the Berlin Blockade?

In 1948 and 1949, Stalin decided to impose a blockade on West Berlin as part of an overall plan to bring West Berlin, then the whole of the western portion of Germany (still occupied by French, British, and American forces), into union with Soviet-controlled East Germany. By closing land-access to West Berlin, Stalin considered that the city would soon require Soviet assistance and thereby come under Soviet control.

Why did kruschev put missile in Cuba?

Soviet Premier Khrushchev wanted to put nuclear weapons in Cuba, because the US had placed Nuclear weapons in West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Japan, and A few pacific islands. He wanted to equalize the strategic advantage

What is a blockade?

A blockader is a person who leads a blockade, or a ship which is used in blockading.