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Q: What year the us Bill of Rights ratified?
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Who was president of the US when The Bill of Rights was ratified?

George Washington was.

Which man was the president of the US when the bill of rights was ratified?


Which man was president of the US when bill of rights was ratified?

George Washington

When was The US Constitution official?

it was ratified in 1789 and the bill of rights (which is the 1st ten amendments) was ratified n 1791

Did Article 1 of the constitution come before or after the Bill of Rights?

The Constitution itself was ratified in 1787. The Bill of Rights, the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, was added to the Constitution in 1789.

Which part of the us constitution contains to bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights is the name given to the first ten ratified Constitutional Amendments.

What did the Federalists promise to do as soon as the Constitution was ratified?

To add a bill of rights! :3 US history

The Georgia Constitution of today was ratified in 1983. How it is similar to the Constitution of the US?

They both have a preamble and a bill of rights

When did the Bill of Rights make effect?

The Bill of Rights which is part of the US Constitution came into being in 1791 when the US Constitution was ratified by the new American nation. Originally the Bill of Rights contained 10 amendments.

Which US President was in office when the Sixth Amendment was ratified?

The Sixth Amendment is part of the original Bill of Rights, which was ratified shortly after the adoption of the Constitution. The president was George Washington.

Does the US Constitution include the Bill of Rights?

A bill of rights was not included in the Constitution because most of those who wrote it did not think one was needed. What we now call the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the constitution because the States would not ratify the Constitution without a promise that such a Bill would be added.

The us constitution was ratified in 1788. how many years passed before the bill of rights was added to the constitution?

December 15, 1791 was the date that Virginia became the 11th state to ratify the Bill of Rights. At that point, the Bill of Rights were effective.