

What you do when a teacher don't like you?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Try to keep in mind that people don't always like everybody. That said, think about it for a minute -- have you behaved in any way that might have made the teacher not like you? If you are a class "cut-up" or are disrupting things, you should stop -- if that's the problem, the teacher will probably like you again if you apologize. If you have said anything rude or smart-alecky, you should also apologize so they will like you.

If nothing above is true, try the following:

  • Always smile at the teacher, even if they are frowning at you
  • Always be super polite -- call them Ma'am or Sir (whichever is right) every time
  • Say hello whenever you see them outside of class - remember to be polite, too
  • Remember to turn in all your assignments
  • Remember to behave in class and not cause any trouble
  • Look for chances to help out -- offer to clean up, or carry something, or pass out papers, or anything they need

In extreme cases, where you're doing all you can and the teacher still doesn't like you, try talking to them. Say (politely), "Mr or Mrs. ____, I really want you to like me. Have I done anything that bothers you? What can I do so that you will like me?" Then really listen to their answer.

If the teacher is using this dislike to treat you differently from the other kids, like giving you worse grades or something, you need to speak to the principal -- be sure to take evidence with you, because accusing a teacher of being unfair is a very serious thing!

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