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Q: What's the best way to avoid getting your girlfriend pregnant without a C◯ndom or pulling out?
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If you are 17 and you have your fiance pregnant at 16 are you allow to move in with her parents without having to return back home in NY?

No, you're not. Getting your girlfriend pregnant does not emancipate you.

Is there a chance you could be Pregnant if your partner pulls it out without a condom?

yes there is a chance that you can become pregnant from you partner pulling out without a condom

Is lil chuckee's girlfriend pregnant?

yes they had sex without a condom

Can a girl get pregnant without getting?

no, They cant.

Can an 11 year old get pregnant without period?

Yes there is a chance of getting pregnant without having periods

What are the chances of you getting a girlfriend?

Without knowing you we can't provide odds.

If an underage girl gets pregnant by an underage boy but that boy has to move out of state by law would he be able to stay without his parents consist?

If you're in the US, no. Getting your girlfriend pregnant does not give you any adult rights. If Mom and Dad say you have to move, then you do.

Is there any chance that you are not pregnant without using a condom but pulling out?

You might not neccesarily be pregnant, but there is a higher chance than if you actually used a condom, or any other contraceptive..

What becomes fat without eating and becomes pregnant without conceiving?

A sociopathic girlfriend. If you a playing a daily riddle game the answer is clouds.

How can you get your girlfriend fat without she noticing?

You can't get someone fat without them noticing. They'll be getting fatter!

Would it be ok if a man that is legally separted have a child with his girlfriend?

This is immoral. When the divorce papers are final, he can without any feelings of immorality. However, since he is getting his girlfriend pregnant and is not marrying her before that time, he is already committing immorality. Use your own personal judgment and decision.

Can you secrete juice from nipples without getting pregnant?

Yes. Too much hormone production can cause lactating of the breasts without being pregnant.