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Since the late 1970s it's widely been referred to as the Holocaust.

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Q: Whats the killing of millions of Jews and putting them in concentration camps called?
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What was the organized killing of millions of Jewish people and others?

It is called holocaust.

Killing of millions of Jews and others by Nazis?

It is usually called the holocaust.

Killing someone who's ill is called?

Euthanasia = putting someone to sleep

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A medicine for pain control is called an analgesic.

What was the biggest concentration camp called?

Auschwitz the largest killing up to 3-4 thousand Jews a day

What is euthanism?

Euthanasia, often called "putting down", "putting to sleep", or "mercy killing", is the process of terminating the life of a person or animal to relieve pain and suffering.

The slaughter of many people including millions of jews by the Nazi's was called?

The term is genocide: deliberate & systematic mass killing of people

What was Hitler's policy of killing millions of Jews?

The Nazis called the policy the Final Solution [of the Jewish Question]. It is now usually called the Holocaust. Please see the related questions below.

Did Nazis used concentration camp to kill millions of people?

Yes... millions died, including Jews, political protestors, gays and lesbians and black people. It was called the Holocaust and was probably one of the most horrible things in history.

The difference in concentration of a substance across space is called a?

it is called a concentration gradient.

What is a mass killing called?

A mass killing is called a massacre, mass murder, or mass killing.

What was the concentration camp in Dachau called?

It was called the Dachau concentration camp.