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The Olmec Tribe

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Q: Whats the most sophisticated prehistoric native civilization north of Mexico?
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What native civilization was Mexico City the capital of?

Aztecs. (:

What was the most sophisticated culture in the world in the age of exploration?

Concerning the age of exploration in the Western Hemisphere, two Native civilization stand out as having a sophisticated culture. The Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in South America each had knowledge of architecture, ways to measure time and the ability to grow.

What native group was dominant in Mexico in 1200BC?

The Teotihuacan civilization.

What native American tribe was found in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico?

The Mayan civilization.

Which group was considered an advanced Native American civilization that lived in what is now southern Mexico?

The Mayan civilization qualifies as such.

What pre-columbian native Americans are most associated with central Mexico?

The Aztec civilization.

Which Native American tribe constructed large mound-shaped structures?

The Cahokia tribe, a pre-Columbian Native American civilization located near present-day St. Louis, Missouri, constructed large mound-shaped structures. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site preserves the largest prehistoric Native American city north of Mexico.

Aggressive Native American people who occupied the valley of Mexico when the Spanish arrived were?

It was the Aztec civilization.

The size and sophistication of Native American civilization in Mexico and South America can be attributed by what?

The development of agriculture.

What were the lawss of the Indians?

In speaking about the Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere, the laws or customs were not written laws. They were commonly accepted practices that varied from one Native Tribe to another. In the larger Native American empires of Mexico and South America, the Tribes were large and rather sophisticated. In areas north of Mexico, in North America, most tribes were smaller and cannot be said to have been as sophisticated as the Tribes of the Aztecs and Incas, as two examples.

Which group lived in what is now southern Mexico and was an advanced Native American civilization?

The Mayan civilization qualifies as such. However, besides present-day Mexico, it also spanned Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador.

Did Maya influence Anasazi?

There is no direct evidence of Maya influence on the Anasazi culture. The Anasazi were a prehistoric Native American civilization in the Southwestern United States, while the Maya civilization was located in Mesoamerica. However, both civilizations had their own unique cultural developments and interactions with neighboring societies.