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Well if you're 40% effaced then labour has already begun!! Well if you're 40% effaced then labour has already begun!!

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Q: When 40 percent effaced how long until labor begins?
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If you are 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced how long until you go into labor?

I am also 1cm dilated and 80% effaced...1 week ago I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. It is different for everyone...Although my DR. said the norm was 3 days after you lose your mucus plug...good luck

You have a McDonald cerclage and the doctor said you are 100 effaced how long until you deliver?

A cerclage MUST be taken out before you go into labor or it will tear your cervix to shreds & put you at risk for a hysterectomy!

If you are 4 cm dilated and 85 percent effaced and have starting having false labor how long until you go into true labor?

It totally depends! If you think you are going into labor, call your doctor or just go into the hospital. They will be able to tell you. I was 3 cm dilated for weeks and weeks! I got up to 70% effaced by 38 weeks. I went into labor and went into the hospital, however they sent me home because I didn't dilate past 3 cm in the entire hour I was there. 6 hours later I had my baby! So it happened very quickly for me. Pretty much RIGHT when I got home from my first trip to the hospital I started going into true and hard labor! Good Luck. :)

If you are 90 effaced 3 cm dilated and the baby is at a positive 1 station how long until active labor starts Is there a way to hold it off?

Could be hours to days to weeks. Everyone is different. You will probably start active labor within 24 hours. There is no stopping labor at this point.

The thinning and shortening of the cervix during labor is known as?

It is known as effacement. Usually occurs before dilation in first time mom's and after dilation is subsequent pregnancies. Labor doesn't usually occur until after 100% effacement and 10 cm dilation. If labor does occur and the cervix is not 100% effaced and dilated, then a C-section is a probability.

When is pain medicaiton typically given during labor?

If possible, though, administration of pain medication or anesthetics should be delayed until the active phase of labor begins--at which point the medication will not act to slow down or stop the labor.

You are 36 weeks 2cm dialted and 75 effaced and lost your mucus plug How long before labor begins?

I would suggest calling your doctor. it all depends on your body. however, i know your pretty much safe until your 100 effaced and 10 cms, but that can happen quickly.

2 cms dilated and 50 percent effaced and you lost your mucous plug how much longer until labor?

It really depends. I went into labor within 6 hours, my daughter in law is being induced right now as I type this and she was all these three things last Sunday the 11th. So here she is 8 days later being induced. Her sister didn't give birth for 2 weeks after all the above mentioned. Baby comes when baby wants ;o)

How soon can I go into active labor being 36 weeks and 3 days 2 centimeters dilated and 50 effaced?

There's really no way to tell. You can be slightly dilated for weeks before going into true labor. On the other hand, you might not be dilated at all and then go into labor closer to your due date. It's oddly not a very reliable way of telling when you'll deliver, until you are in active labor.

You are 38 weeks and 80 percent effaced and 1 cm and the baby is -1 station how long will it be until you go into labor?

Labor is defined as regular contractions that cause progressive cervical change. The key is CHANGE, so it is hard to tell when labor will start based on your dilation and effacement. Alot of women can spend weeks being 3cm/50% and not be in "labor" because their cervix isn't changing. If you are dilated, then it is safe to assume you will soon be going into labor, but that is not always the case.

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I am 37 weeks 2 days pregnant 80 percent effaced a good 2 cm dilated my doctor says I'll have the baby in less than 10 days but how soon do you think it could be?

there is not really anyway to tell i was 100% effaced and 2 cm dilated for like 2 weeks... then funally she came a day before her due date but for 3 weeks my ob was saying she thought i was gonna be early lol so its just a waiting game now an for me it felt like forever but he or she will come soon anough good luck congrats,,, cortney