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Q: When IV fluids are running too slow?
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How do you give Demerol injections through IV?

You want to give Demerol over about two minutes because it can cause a burning sensation if pushed too fast. Sometimes, if the NS is running at a slow enough rate, you can push the Demerol into a port further away from the patient, allowing the IV fluids to slowly carry the Demerol into your patient.

When can you draw blood blood above an IV?

You can draw blood above an iv if the fluids running have been stopped and you have waited at least ten minutes before drawing the blood after the fluids were stopped.

Is it normal for iv fluids to cause severe bruising and swelling?

No, unless they're running too much heparin..... which would be a problem and hence abnormal. Generally, IV fluids will only cause this if they are not truly IV... meaning that for what ever reason the fluid is NOT going into the vein but is going to the tissues surrounding the vein. As an RN, it would be time for a new IV site if this were to happen.

What does int stands for?

INT stands for intermittent. The IV is changed to an intermittent set. So IV meds can be given at certain times with no IV fluids running continuously.

Does drinking fluids aid in getting an IV?

An IV is the process of injecting fluids directly into the veins of your body to provide you with fluid. It has nothing to do with drinking fluids, although one reason to get an IV would be if you are unable to drink or swallow.

What is the medical term meaning fluids intravenously?

The medical term for fluids administered intravenously is "intravenous fluids" or "IV fluids." These fluids are given directly into a vein to help maintain hydration, replace lost fluids, deliver medications, or provide nutrition.

How long can IV fluids be warmed?

14 days

What is the icd-9 code for IV fluids?


How might the addition of IV fluids stabilize blood pressure?

By giving IV fluids you increase the volume of fluid that the heart has to circulate thus increasing the blood pressure.

Why would urine output be increased after surgery?

IV fluids.

Why patient shivering while IV fluids on flows?

iv fluids are stored at room temperature so it having the temperature 72 F but normal body temperature is 98.6 F which is higher than iv fluid temperature so while cold fluids entering in the body the bodyitselfshiversin orderto warm up

Is it possible to hydrate a dog too much?

Yes, it is possible to overhydrate a dog and cause iatrogenic peripheral edema (build-up of water in the extracellular tissues). However, it takes placing an IV line and pushing too much IV fluids to do this - it is very unlikely you could do this at home.