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Typically, when you turn the key once in the driver's door, it unlocks the driver's door. If you turn the key twice, it unlocks all the doors.

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Q: When I open my car door lock with key should all the doors also unlock too?
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How program Keyless remote 2002 avalanche?

While holding the door unlock button on your driver's door, turn the key to ON then OFF, then ON, then OFF. Release the unlock button and the doors should lock/unlock to confirm the PDM is in programming mode. Then hold the door unlock and door unlock buttons on your remote at the same time. After about 15 seconds the doors should lock and unlock to acknowledge that it's picked up the remote. Program all remaining remotes at this time. The system will take up to four remotes.

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I think you have to push the 'unlock' button twice in order to unlock the doors.

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Why will the key not unlock the door? If you are using the correct key it should unlock the door. Try both doors. If it will not work you need to call a locksmith to come and unlock the car door with a slim jim.

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