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I'm afraid it is just a Rottweiler, Shepherd mix. You could give it a fancy name if you like. For example if someone crosses an Akita with a Rottweiler, they call it a Rokita, but it will always be a mix what ever you call it. Be sure you don't pay over the odds for a designer dog, they are just mixed breeds with a fancy price tag.

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If the German Shepard and Rottweiler where pure bred, you would get a half German Shepard-half Rottweiler mutt.

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Q: When a Rottweiler is crossbred with a German shepherd what hybrid does it produce?
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How big do German Shepherd Rottweiler mixes get?

The offspring will not get any bigger than the parents.

What type of dog fits with a Doberman?

Another Doberman or a German Shepherd.

What do you get when mate a male German Shepard and a female rotweiller?

A German Shepherd X Rottweiler. This would probably be of medium size, have a brown and black coat, have a long fluffy tail and a wide head with powerful jaws. Depending on whether the German Shepherd is long-coat or short-coat, the puppies will be the same. This would make a large, powerful crossbred which would need firm handling and socialisation to give it a good temperament.

Can you have a guard dog as a pet?

Yes. A Doberman, Miniature Pinscher, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, even the Teacup Miniature Pinscher and more, can be pets that are very good guard dogs. I recommend the Doberman, German Shepherd, or the Rottweiler.

What is the dogs name of the big black guard dog?

I think you mean either a Doberman or a Rottweiler.

What is stronger a German shepherd or a pitbull?

The dog's height, and head size answers it. A german shepherd's bite force is secondary to the pitbull. But a german shepherd is still stronger. BITE FORCE LIST 1. rottweiler 2. german shepherd 3. pitbull

Which dogs helped the police?

The German Shepherd and the Rottweiler and other more! Also known as Police dogs.

Who is more easy to train Rottweiler or German Shepherd?

German Shepherd Dogs are easier to train. Rottweilers are known to be semi-aggresive and nippy during the training process. They are also very dominant.

Can a k-9 beat a rottweiler yes or no?

No, since German shepherds are built differently from that of a rottweiler, a rottweiler is more stronger and compact in built and has only of the most strongest bite and also because its weigh (40-almost 90kg) they will shake a German shepherd easily.