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On the back of the bag it has instructions on how much to feed her based on age, keep to that during the first weeks of pregnancy then add a little more every week after that because she's going to eat up to 50% more than normal closer to the due date. She needs a lot of protein so opt for a food that has a lot of that in it.

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Q: When a kitten is 6 months old how much do you feed it when its pregnant?
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How much you feed a kitten?

I'd say as much as they want.

Can a cat get a kitten pregnant?

Most female and male cats reach sexual maturity at around 6 months of age, although instances of much earlier pregnancies have been recorded. At 6 months, a cat is still very much a kitten and is still developing mentally and physically. It is not ideal at all for a kitten to have kittens. A cat under a year old is considered a kitten as it is still growing and developing. If a kitten becomes pregnant at such a young age, she has to share all her energies with growing and developing herself and her unborn litter. This divide in bodily resources increase the risk of problems or fatalities for both the mother and the kittens. For this reason, kittens should be spayed and neutered before 6 months old.

How much should I feed my kitten or cat?

11 ouces per day?

how much do I need to feed a cat or kitten?

Do not be too sensitive, feed him three times a day and after a week you will get the average meal

2 day old kitten not gaining much weight sleeps instead of nursing should i bottle feed?

You can syringe feed the kitten. For more information visit

How often do you feed kittens?

Kittens, young ones in particular, have tiny stomachs, so the best way to feed them is "little and often". For young kittens, five or six small meals a day is ideal. As the kitten gets bigger you can start to feed it more food in each meal, and slowly reduce the number of meals. Many feed older kittens (ones that are around six to eight months old) three or four meals, as this is when growth spurts become more apparent and a kitten will need much more food at these times. It is best to feed it at set times, mainly because it is easier to monitor how much the kitten is eating, and if for some reason the kitten's appetite changes, it can be quickly dealt with.

How much kitten formula should you feed a kitten at each feeding?

It will depend on the age and weight of the kittens. Check the formula instructions or ask the vet

how much do I feed my 9 month kitten?

atleast 1/2 cup of dry food

At what age or weight do you spay a kitten?

Most vets will spay a kitten when it reaches two kilograms in weight, or between four to five months. However, more vets will now spay a kitten much earlier as long as the kitten is healthy.

How much do you feed a Kitten When it's old enough?

As for how much you should feed the kitten four to six times a day for young kittens, or three to four for older kittens, with small-sized meals usually two to three teaspoons of wet food (make sure you chop up the meat into little pieces). Kittens need a lot of food for them to develop and grow in a healthy manner, so give the kitten as much food as the kitten needs/eats.

Is it OK to feed baby mice water?

You can feed baby mice water but they need more nutrients. Feed them a diluted blend of kitten formula, diluted twice as much as the directions say.

How old must a cat be before getting pregnant?

A cat can first come in to season from the age of 6 months onwards, so the answer is 6 months old for first pregnancy. Some kittens start their first season as early as 4 months. However, cats are still very much kittens at this age. They are still growing and developing themselves, so letting a 6 month old kitten become pregnant can be incredibly dangerous, risking the lives of the mother and the unborn kittens. It is best to spay kittens before they reach 6 months old to stop them having any unwanted litters.