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Not sure what a "needle" is, but if you are asking when your cat can be neutered, then the answer is it's safe to neuter your pet as early as 2 pounds but it is recommended to wait until the cat is at least 3 months. 4-5 months is the best time to neuter your cat. It's before the behavior issues associated with not neutering would become evident.

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Q: When a kitten is 7 weeks old when can it have its needle taken?
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What age should a kitten be old enough to be taken away from its mother?

Don't separate them before they reach eight weeks of age, as they will still be learning from their Mum.

Is 12 months old a good age to take a kitten away from its mother?

You can wean at kitten at 8-10 weeks, but you can sell them at 15 weeks.

Does a kitten rabbit suckle?

Yes, until it is about 8 weeks old.

How old does a male kitten need to be before nutering?

9 weeks.

Is it legal to sell a kitten under 8 weeks old in Pennsylvania?


How old should a kitten be before its adopted out from its mother and siblings?

The best time for a kitten to be adopted is 12-14 weeks.

How do you determin the age of an abandoned kitten?

Ways to tell the age of a baby kittens. Newborns up to the 10 days have their eyes closed . If a kitten has blue eyes, it is less than 7 weeks old. If the kitten has the umbilical cord attached it is less than 3 days old. Checking a kitten's teeth is a good way to determine how old the kitten is. The centre incisors will erupt from the gums at about 3 weeks, outer incisors about 4 weeks, canines about 4 weeks, upper molars about 8 weeks, lower molars about 5 weeks. Kittens will eat independently at 5 weeks of age. Kittens under 3 weeks aren't toilet trained.

Does the cat take care of the kitten?

Yes, A mama cat takes care of a kitten for weeks and then the kitten becomes old enough to go out on it's own.

How old is a kitten when it has its eyes open?

A kitten's eye will open and it will be able to hear around three weeks old.

How old do kittens start to purr?

After they are about 3 weeks old. I just got a new baby kitten.

How old do kitten have to be before you can feed them food in a bowl?

5 to 6 weeks depending on the kitten. Some kittens start earlier and some later. Use kitten food.

How do you make a 4 weeks old kitten love you?

well first of all you should not have taken the kitten away from its mom this early in his/hers life. u r supposed to wait until they r 6 weeks old. But to make them love you, you need to show them you love them. for example- pet them nicely when you see them, change their litter box daily, feed them treats occasionally, and the simplest one is 2 spend as much as possible with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE YOU LIKE YOUR KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)