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I think once it decomposes in the ground, yes, although it will not release it immediately.

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Q: When an animal dies is carbon dioxide released?
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Why is carbon dioxide released from dead roots?

For a plant to live, it breathes in carbon dioxide. When a plant dies it still has to go somewhere if it isn't used, because the plant will start to decompose, so the carbon dioxide is released

Where does animal or plant carbon go when it dies?

Much of it will be given off to the air as carbon dioxide.

What happens to carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle?

In the carbon cycle plants capture carbon dioxide , reacting it with water to produce sugars and oxygen gas. Animals can then eat those plants and react the sugars with oxygen, re-releasing the carbon dioxide. A similar process occurs when the plant or animal dies and decomposes, is burned in a fire, or if the animal itself is eaten.

How do organism add carbon to the atmosphere?

When a organism dies and decays it emits carbon dioxide.

When a plant dies what happens to its carbon?

it is released back into the atmosphere, carbon dioxide.

Will planting trees improve carbon dioxide levels?

In the short term, yes. As the trees grow, they sequester carbon from the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by turning it into wood. However, when the tree dies and decays or burns, much of that carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

What happens to carbon dioxide in a plant when it dies?

In a dead plant CO2 is not assimilated.

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When an animal exhales it releases carbon into the atmosphere What is another way in which an animal is part of the carbon cycle?

When an animal dies, bacteria release carbon in the body during the process of decomposition.

When an animal exhales it releases carbon into the atmosphere. What is another way in which an animal is part of the carbon cycle?

When an animal dies, bacteria release carbon in the body during the process of decomposition.

Is that true about trees turn carbon dioxide into oxygen?

Yes. Trees take in carbon dioxide and water. Using sunlight they turn this into carbon, oxygen and sugar. They store the carbon and release the oxygen. This is called photosynthesis.

Where does an animals or plant carbon go when it dies?

The carbon is released back into the carbon pool in the atmosphere