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The Renaissance was in the 1400's century. The Renaissance was a time when the people started to break away from Catholicism, and when they started thinking outside the box (especially in art). The breaking away from the catholic church was made by Martin Luther. It was known as the protestant reformation. ---- The period of time after the Middle Ages is known as "The European Renaissance" and is called a time of rebirth and actionbecause new developments began to take place in most areas of culture and society. Writers of this period spoke of a rebirth or renewal of culture, broadly that of classical antiquity, after what they saw as the barbarism of the intervening centuries. The Renaissance was essentially a cultural movement which encompassed a revival of learning based on classical sources which were being "rediscovered". Also, the development of linear perspective in painting, and gradual, widespread educational reform affected the manner in which people viewed and interacted in the world. This had an impact not only in art and architecture, but also in the fields of science, rhetoric, literature, and music. As a time of rebirth and action, beginning in Italy with stirrings traceable to the thirteenth century of the late Middle Ages, the "movement proper" spanned the centuries from the 14th to the 17th, and later began spreading to the rest of Western Europe. While "renaissance" is a very general term to describe this era of history, there is no doubt that intellectual and secular developments took place, as did gradual progress in technology, along with improvements in husbandry and agriculture. This activated an increase in the number of people who left the land to live in cities. ----

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The renaissance began in the 1500s CE, (Middle Ages).

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