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At Lexington, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775.

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Q: When and where was the first shot of the Revolutionary War?
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Where was the first shot of revolutionary war shot?


Did the shot heard round the world start the civil war or the Revolutionary War?

Historically, no one single shot can be identified as the first shot of the war.

Who shot the first shot in the revolutionary war?

Nobody knows.

Where did the Revolutionary War beginns?

the revolutionary war started in lexingburg when the "shot heard around the world " was fired. it is nont known who shot this but it was the first shot of the war.

What did John Pitcairn do in the Revolutionary War?

He shot the first bullet to begin the Revolutionary War...

Where was the first shot during the revolutionary war?


Where was the first shot of the Revolutionary war fired?


Why is it important to know who shot first in the revolutionary war?


In Johnny Tremain where was the first shot of the Revolutionary War sighted?

in Lexington

Why don't you know who shot the first shot in the revolutionary war?

This is because no one knows who shot the first shot. also because the people who do know, are dead

Who fired the first gun in the American Revolution?

The British fired the first shots of American Revolutionary War at Lexington, on April 18,1775.

What was the shot hear around the world?

The very first shot fired in the revolutionary war. It technically started the war.