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If there is suspicion or evidence of abuse, the state can take a child out of a household immediately. Permanent denial of parental rights or custody would take much longer and be harder to achieve due to legal obstacles.

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Q: When can the state take away a minor from an abusive family?
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How would a minor go about getting legally separated from an emotionally abusive mother in a case where the father would be willing to care for the minor?

run away.

Can the police take a 17 year old who has run away from home if the home he was currently in was abusive in the state of Virginia?

They are able to remove the minor from the home. The courts will put them in foster care while the charges are investigated.

If a minor who is almost 18 runs away from Ohio to Florida which state has jurisdiction?

Ohio, the absentee minor's state of residency always has jurisdiction

Can I get financial help to leave a state to get away from an abusive relationship?

Your best recource is the YWCA and local women's shelters.

How can a minor be stopped from running away?

The parents or guardian simply pick up the phone and call the local police or state juvenile authorities. After which a decision is made whether to return and/or compel the minor to remain in the family home or take the minor into custody to await a decision by the judge of the juvenile court.

If a minor moves out in the state of California without the legal guardian's consent can the legal guardian get the family that the minor is staying with in legal trouble?

Depends. We don't know the age of the minor. We don't know if the family knew or had reason to know that the child was a minor or not. We don't know if the child was escaping from abuse or claiming abuse. Those could have mitigating factors as to how much trouble the family might be in. Under normal circumstances, if a family were harboring a minor who had run away, yes they could get in trouble. Further, if they took the child across a state line, then they could be charged with kidnapping under federal law, a very serious offense. If the child stopped by a friends home out of state (on his/her own) and let parents to believe that he had permission, then the parent might not be in too great trouble. However, they did have a duty to investigate or inform the family as to how the child was doing. This is not a legal opinion as only an attorney in the state where this was involved could properly give a legal opinion.

If you run away but still attend school can your mom report you as a runaway?

Yes, if you run away from home but continue to attend school, your parent or guardian can still report you as a runaway to the authorities. Just because you are attending school doesn't change your legal status as a runaway if you have left home without permission.

In the state of Arkansas is it legal for me to take my children and leave my abusive boyfriend and leave the state?

Absolutely. Do it immediately. The only thing he can do is sue you for custody, and if you can prove that he was/is abusive, he will not get it. You can also try to get a restraining order put on him. Do this immediately. Call the police right away. Do not wait, it only gets worse. Do it for your children.

If a minor leaves home and family knows where the minor is can the parent report them as a run away?

If the minor did not have the permission of the parental units, then yes, the family can report and have law enforcement execute the families wishes. However, not all states have the same regulations. The answer is yes. But there is an exception to every rule.

Why do young children do youth crime?

children do crime for many different reasons sometimes they do it to get away from their family if their family is abusive. they also do it beacause of peer pressure. they do it because they are not mature yet so they dont know what to do.

What if a child 17 ran away from another state?

A minor can not legally leave the state without parental permission so this changes nothing.

If a minor child runs away to live with her father in another state will the state of FLORIDAl force her to return?

Yes they will.see related links