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1. Treaty of Rapallo (1922). Germany and Russia, the two reviled countries of Europe, recognized one another. Germany gained the military training facilities in Russia and was able to hide a large part of its army there. In 1933 when Hitler came to power, Stalin ordered the German troops out. 2. In August 1939 the two countries signed a Non-Agression Pact. Secret clauses allowed the Soviet Union to retake most areas that it had lost in 1918-21, in particular: eastern Poland, Finland, the Baltic Republics and Bessarabia. Germany was given a free hand in western Poland. In addition, the Soviet Union agreed to supply Germany with oil and other commodities.

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Q: When did Germany sign an agreement with the Soviet Union?
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What did Germany and the Soviet Union sign?

The Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939

When did Germany sign an agreement with the Soviet Union during World War 2?

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed 23 August 1939.

Who did Germany sign a non aggressive pact with?

The Soviet Union

Who did Germany sign a non aggression pact?

The Soviet Union

What motivated Germany to sign nonaggression agreement with the soviet union?

Germany wanted to ensure its military was free to invade Poland. The USSR, for its part, annexed the western side of Poland and the Baltic countries.

What year did the soviet union sign the nonagression pact with Germany?

In August 1939.

Who did the soviet union sign a non aggression pact with in1939?

Germany - 23rd August 1939

Why did Stalin sign a agreement with fascist Germany once a bitter enemy?

Stalin simpy signed the agreement with Germany because it was a better choice than Britain and France... They had much more too offer such as; The Soviet Union gaining control of Belarus and the Baltic States and they also had been promised no aggression towards them

In 1939 with whom did Germany sign a non aggression pact?

September 1939 with Russia. Ribbentrop & Molotov seal Polands' fate.

Why did Hitler sign a non aggressive act with Germany?

Uh... he was in charge of Germany, i doubt he signed one of those with his own country. He signed one with Russia (Soviet Union) because he did not want them to invade Germany because he was afraid of the Soviet Union. he was right to be afraid, because when he broke the NAP (Non Aggressive Pact), the soviet union came at him with all power and kicked his little @$$ back to Germany and took control of Berlin and ended the war

Who did not sign the Tripartite Pacting?

The Soviet Union ~ Britain France

Which country did Hitler sign a non agression pact with?

Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact in 1939. The Soviet leader at the time was Josef Stalin.