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Scotland lost its independence on May 1, 1707 when the "Act of Union 1707" went into effect.

This act united the kingdoms of Scotland and England to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.

One Contributors Opinion

SCOTLAND NEVER LOST ITS INDEPENDENCE IF ANYTHING ENGLAND DID!!!!!!!!!! On the 8th August 1503 King James Stuart IV of Scotland married Princess Margaret Tudor who was King Henry VII of England's daughter and was third in line to succeed the English throne. In In 1503 Princess Margaret and King James married. On the 10th April 1512 Queen Margaret gave birth to a living boy, Prince James heir to the Scottish throne. But on the 9th September 1513 King James IV of Scotland died and his son who was not even a year old was now King James V of Scotland. In On the 12th June 1538 he married a French noblewoman, Marie De Guise (Mary of Guise) who gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl, Princess Mary King James V died on the 14th December 1542 and his six day old daughter was now Queen Mary I of Scotland. On the 7th August 1548 the robust, charming five year old Mary Queen of Scots was sent to France as the betroth of Dauphin Francois of France. On the 24th April 1558 after ten years of being thoroughly flattered, spoilt and pampered she was finally married to Dauphin Francois of France. On the 15th January 1559 the beautiful, brilliant, manipulative and calculated 25 year old Princess Elizabeth was crowned Queen Elizabeth I of England, Wales and Ireland. Due to her youth, beauty , maidenhood and crown Queen Elizabeth had over a dozen suitors competing fiercely for her hand in marriage e.g. King Eric of Sweden, King Phillip II of Spain, Archdukes Charles and Ferdinand of Austria, King of Denmark, James Hamilton, Earl of Arran and many others. Due to being the granddaughter of Princess Margaret Tudor she was the
rightful heiress to the English throne. But King Henry VIII had barred his sister, Princess Margaret and all of her successors from the throne meaning by law, Princess Margaret's youngest sibling, Princess Mary's successors was the rightful heir, who was Lady Catherine Grey. Queen Elizabeth who had been the figurehead of over a dozen conspiracies being her sister's heiress had calculatedly refused to name either Mary Queen of Scots or Catherine Grey who she hated for her snobbery and haughtiness. Neither would do any good to name as heirs. Especially since her once incontestable popularity had been blemished from her courtship with her handsome and ever so masculine Lord Robert Dudley who was detested in England for being the son, brother and grandson of a traitor and loathed for his selfishness and arrogance and called by his enemies "the gypsy" for his dark looks and "the upstart" King Henri II of France did not help relationship with Mary Queen of Scots relationship when he declared that Mary Queen was the rightful Queen of England since Elizabeth I parents had not received a sanction from the Pope to marry so she was in fact a royal bastard. Queen Elizabeth was infuriated especially since she was new to the throne and had nothing but loyal adviser's and the heart and loyalty of the people and abroad over a dozen suitors. Queen Elizabeth decided to hold that grudge against her. In On the 10th July 1559 King Henry II died Queen Mary of Scotland was now Queen of France and refused to sign the treaty of Edinburgh which asked her to stop calling herself Queen of England. Mary refused and would have invaded England had it not been for Elizabeth's powerful Hapsburg allies. But on the 5th December 1560 King Francis II died and Mary was now a widow she went back to Scotland married two hopeless husbands fled to England. And became involved with Catholic plot to assassinate Elizabeth and become Queen of England. She was eventually caught out and Elizabeth after doodling signed her death warrant and she was beheaded on the 8th February 1587 after nineteen years imprisonment Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded at Fortheringhay Castle. But she had a healthy son from her second marriage when Elizabeth died on the 24th March 1603 sixteen years later and Mary Queen of Scots son became King James I of England and King James VI of Scotland. So he took the crown of England had he not we would still be separated and probably have individual monarchies.

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Scotland officially lost its independence in 1707 when the Acts of Union were signed, creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. This agreement merged the Scottish and English parliaments and established a single unified kingdom.

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15y ago

In 1707 Scotland and England signed the 'Treaty of Union' thus creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Wales and (nowadays) Northern Ireland are also part of that.

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When is Independence Day in Scotland?

Scotland will have a vote in 2014 to see if the people want independence - :)

Who are Scotland's allies and enemies?

Scotland's allies include countries like the United States, France, and other European Union member states. Historically, Scotland has had tensions with England, which led to conflicts like the Wars of Scottish Independence. Relations with England have improved over time, and modern Scotland focuses more on diplomatic cooperation than historical enmities.

Who is Scotland's greatest hero?

Many would argue that Scotland's greatest hero is William Wallace, a medieval knight who led the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence against England. His story was popularized by the movie "Braveheart."

When did Scotland gain its independence?

Scotland has never gained full independence from the United Kingdom. However, the United Kingdom Parliament passed the Scotland Act in 1998, leading to the establishment of the Scottish Parliament with devolved powers. This grants Scotland some autonomy in areas like education, health, and transportation, but key decisions like defense and foreign policy remain reserved to Westminster.

Has Scotland ever lost a war?

Scotland has lost several wars throughout history, including the Wars of Scottish Independence against England in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Battle of Culloden in 1746 marked a significant defeat for Scotland during the Jacobite Rising. Scotland also faced military defeats in conflicts such as the Battle of Dunbar in 1650 during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.

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What was result of Scotland's independence vote today?

Scotland's independence referendum is tomorrow - 18 September.

When is Independence Day in Scotland?

Scotland will have a vote in 2014 to see if the people want independence - :)

Who was involved when Scotland voted for independence?

Scotland didn't vote for independence. The electorate voted to remain part of the UK.

How did Scotland express their frustrations about the independence?

The independence referendum will bein September 2014.

Do they have a fourth of July in Scotland?

If you are referring to Independence Day, this is an American holiday only, which has nothing to do with Scotland.

What will happen to the British Union Flag if Scotland gains independence?

well being from scotland they can do whatever they like with it

What percentage of votes needed for Scotland to gain independence?


Names of Scotland and England wars?

Wars of Scottish Independence

Does Scotland have independence?

In short no. Scotland has a devolved government and Parliament but is still part of the U.K.

How was Scottish Independence Gained?

Scottish Independence hasn't yet been gained. Scotland is still part of the United Kingdom. The SNP, Scottish National Party, have promised the people of Scotland a referendum on Scottish independence but it hasn't happened yet.

What did Robert the Bruce fight for during the wars of independence?

It's the other way round. England went to war with Scotland. Robert the Bruce was trying to preserve Scotland's independence so he went to war against England.

How did Scotland survive and win the wars of independence?

Though many battles were fought, ultimately Scotland lost its 'independence' and became a part of a united kingdom. A union of which it is still a major and important part.