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Various churches decided for convenience sake to adopt this tradition. The Bible says, " often as you come together", so the custom of monthly communion is just that...a custom. There is no Biblical basis for this custom.

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Q: When did monthly communion start?
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Yes, "Communion" should be capitalized when referring to the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist.

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Catholic AnswerNo, the Prayer after Holy Communion is in the Missal. The Communion "reflection" is something that the priest is making up.

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I believe they practice closed communion.

When did unconfirmed children start receiving communion?

Sometime around 500AD. The Bishop used to confirm at same time as Baptism, but growing numbers made this impossible. Now most Catholic Churches Confirm multitudes after Communion, usually between ages of 12-16. Some, however, by direction of the bishop, do get confirmed at Baptism before communion.

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