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Slavery is mentioned in some of the oldest human writing. It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, and is covered in detail in Qur'an. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and many other ancient empires had slavery.

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Q: When did people start using slaves?
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Why did people start to be slaves?


When did they slaves start?

how did the slave start when white people beat black people

Why did planters in the Americas start using African slaves?

Planters in the Americas started using African slaves primarily due to the labor-intensive nature of cultivating crops like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. African slaves were seen as a readily available source of cheap labor, and their prior experience in agriculture made them well-suited for the demanding work required on plantations. Economic factors and the perceived racial hierarchy of the time also played a role in justifying the use of African slaves for labor.

Why did Virginia planters eventually start using slaves more than indentured servants?

because slaves were never freed :(

Why did American colinies start using African slaves?

it's just in the vigina.

How did the slaves start to work?

the roman empire started because instead of killing the people they sold them to be slaves

What people helped John Brown in his attempt to start a revolution among slaves?

The sons of John Brown helped him in his attempt to start a revolution among the slaves.

Why did colonist start using slaves for labor purposes?

to do work you fu king dum a ss

Which times did slaves start work?

What time the slaves start working? The slaves is start work ing at 5:00am

What year did the colonists start using Africans in the English colonies?

1619 is when the first slaves were brought over.

When do people start using computer?

people start using computer when the first computer were published at 19.. or 18.. or 20..

When did European colonists begin using Africans as slaves?

European colonists began using Africans as slaves in the early 1500s with the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. The demand for labor in European colonies led to the systematic enslavement of Africans to work on plantations and in various industries.