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Do police ever truly yell this, or is it only in the movies?

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Q: When did police start yelling freeze in order to stop a suspect?
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Can the police freeze your bank account for a minor hit and run?

No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.

How do you use search warrant in a sentence?

The police got a search warrent in order to search the suspect's house. The suspect would not allow the police to search his home without a search warrant.

Define this court order allows police to search a suspect home or business?

search warrant

How long can a police look for a suspect with a pick up order?

As long as the order remains in effect or is contained in any record system.

What term is a court order requiring police to demonstrate why a suspect should not be released?

writ of habeas corpus

Is a court order allowing police to search a suspect's home or business and take specific items as evidence?

search warrant

What is a sentence for restraining?

The police officer used handcuffs to restrain the suspect.

What good is a court order if the police cannot enforce a child visitation order?

Because these are considered civil matters. The only time a Police Officer can become involved is if you suspect kidnapping or custodial interference. Otherwise, your recourse is to file a motion to hold the breaching party in contempt of the court order.

Who can freeze your bank account?

The bank can freeze any account that is held by a customer with the bank. But, this does not happen at the banks wish. Usually a legal order by law enforcement agencies (police or cops) is required to do so. Usually cops and federal authorities freeze bank accounts of terrorists and known malicious elements of the society.

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an officer is justified in using force in order to arrest a resisting suspect?

Does the Miranda decision prevent a suspect from answering questions posed by police investigations?

The Miranda decision does not prevent a suspect from answering any question. In order for any statement to be considered admissible in court, the police have to warn the suspect of his constitutional rights consistent with the ruling in the Miranda case. Once the suspect has been warned of his constitutional rights -- the right to remain silent and not answer any questions, the right to have a lawyer present, the right to not answer any further questions even if certain questions have been answered, the right to have a lawyer present even if one cannot afford it, and that any statement the suspect makes can be used against him later on in court -- the suspect is then free to make whatever statement he wants.

When can a bank freeze your account?

Yes. The bank can freeze any account that is held by a customer with the bank. But, this does not happen at the banks wish. Usually a legal order by law enforcement agencies (police or cops) is required to do so. Usually cops and federal authorities freeze bank accounts of terrorists and known malicious elements of the society.