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Slavery started when Christopher Columbus first came to the Americas. He claimed the land his and enslaved all Native Americans. When Native Americans started to die from the small pox disease, because Christoper Columbus and his crew, they decided to enslaved African Americans and, brought them to the Americas to work because most of them where immune to the disease.

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Q: When did slavery start in US when did slavery of the black start in the US?
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When did black slavery start in America?

Black slavery in America started in 1807. No, it was prior to 1776. There was discussion about including the elimination of slavery in the declaration of Independence.

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Slavery has been around as long as there have been humans.

Where did slavery start in the US?

Slavery in the US started in Jamestown in 1619 when the first Africans arrived as slaves.

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Did slavery start in the us?

Slavery in the ColoniesSlavery started in the US in 1619, when a Dutch ship arrived in Jamestown, Virginia. The seamen picked up tobacco and paid for it with 20 black African captives which the Dutch probably had seized from a slave trader bound for the Spanish West Indies.

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Hariet Tubman was a black person who helped to stop black slavery in the US. She helped many slaves escape slavery by helping out with the "Underground Railroad"

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This is a very controversial subject. However, most agree that black Americans blame the white for the start of slavery, even with knowing their people sold them, because many whites today still benefit from the damage done due to slavery back then. Many also believe that this generalized blame is because of the fact that because of slavery many white families had more opportunities that have continued to allow them to prosper throughout the years.

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The civil war started over "States Rights", not slavery.

Why did slavery start with black people?

Because the natives of the lands to where these slaves where imported kept dying off.