

When did the Incas lived?

Updated: 9/10/2022
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9y ago

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Not much is known about the early history of the Incas. Sometime around 1100 AD they founded a city called Cuzco in the fertile lowland valley and began to dominate other kingdoms nearby. The mighty empire of the Incas collapsed abruptly in 1532 with the arrival of a small band of Spanish conquerors led by Pizarro. Well the incas were in the early 15 and they were not in a kingdom they were in a village and they did not have an empore but they did live near by Cuzco so your a little right but not that mutch and they did not live in 1532 they lived in 1509 - 1526 not 1532 They actually did live in 1532. I read it in Horrible Histories.

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Betty Wilderman

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1y ago
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14y ago

They lived in what is now Chile in South America.

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