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not all of it , they didnt make it all the way west . Wales is meant to be the first part of the UK that the Romans had to withdraw from

2nd Answer:

Interesting question, and the answer depends on who you ask. Most historians I have known would simply answer that the Romans conquered all of Wales about the same time they conquered the areas now in England. On the other hand, most historians have not really studied the question, and so they should not be answering it. They may be basing their belief on the idea that everything south of Hadrian's wall was Roman.

I have known people who say that the northern and interior parts of Wales were never conquered by the Romans. Their belief is supported by the fact that there is very little in the way of archaeological evidence of Roman occupation there.

We do know that some of Wales was under Roman control, and this included the southern coast. Emperor Theodosius I founded a school called Cor Tewdws there, near Llantwit Major. This school, remarkably, survived the entire Middle Ages, and was closed by King Henry VIII.

If by "the North," you mean Scotland, the Romans really got into much of the Highlands, though according to Bede, they had a naval outpost in the Orkneys or Shetlands.

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11y ago

The Roman conquest of Wales begun in 48 AD and took 30 years to complete.

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Officially, Claudius took possession of Britain in 43 AD. However the Romans had been in Britain for about a hundred years before Claudius.

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