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Q: When did the british parliament pass the townshend acts?
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What happened in history today 29th of June?

On this day in history British Parliament passed the Townshend Acts and Kathrine Hepburn died. On the date of June 29th, The British Parliament decided to pass the Townshend Revenue Act.

What year townshend act pass?

The Townshend Acts were a series of laws passed beginning in 1767 by the Parliament of Great Britain relating to the British colonies in North America.

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What incident cause the British Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts?

What incident caused the British parliament to pass the coercive Acts

Why did the British Parliament pass?

The British Parliament passed acts because they owed money to those who helped them in the French and Indian War.

What act allowed the british to tax and pass all laws necessary in the colonies?

The Townshend Acts!

Why did the parliament pass the intolerable acts?

Because the British Parliament wanted to punish Bostonians for such things as doing the Boston Tea Party.

When did British pass the townshend act?

passed 1767

Why did parliament pass the the intolerance acts?

British wanted to punish Boston because of Boston Tea Party.

Which legislation did the british parliament pass in response to the Boston party?

the coercive acts, if you are referring to the Boston tea party.

Protest that caused Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts?

The protest that caused Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts was the Boston Tea Party.

Why did parliament pass the coercive acts in?

Parliament wanted to punish Bostonians