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Australia's first European settlers arrived in Australia on 26 January 1788. These early seetlers were primarily convicts from England, together with the officers and marines sent with them to help keep order and establish the new colony.

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Q: When did the earliest settlers arrive in Australia?
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When did European settlers arrive in Australia?

In 1778.

Who were the first settlers to arrive in Australia in 1788?

The first European settlers to arrive in Australia were convicts from England, guarded by a large number of marines and officers.

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Cauze I am gamed

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The earliest settlers arrived in New South Wales on 26 January 1788. They actually arrived at Botany Bay on 18 January 1788, but did not stay there, moving north to Port Jackson.

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The first official settlers or "immigrants" to Australia arrive in Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.

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The very first European settlers in Australia (not including the Aborigines who were the first inhabitants) were a mix of convicts, officers and marines and their families, all of whom came from Britain.The next group of convicts and settlers to arrive also included some Irish. Gradually, migrants from other European countries began to arrive.

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If you mean the earliest civilization, it is the maori.

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