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First of all, like many others have said, the "final solution" was the Holocaust. The decision to exterminate Jews wasn't immediately decided upon, simply removing the Jews from Germany to another place (I believe Madagascar was one of the places, but I'm not 100% sure) was another option that was considered. The final solution was decided at the Wannsee Conference, a meeting of the Senior officials of the Nazi regime on January 20, 1942 that decided the "final solution to the Jewish problem."

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There is not a clear answer to this:

One thing can be said; the Final Solution started after the Holocaust started. The Final Solution (to the Jewish question) is what we refer to as the concious decision to eliminate all Jews under Nazi influence.

As the Holocaust was made up of many actions in many places, it took some time to organise this into a uniform action.

The actions of moving Jews to the east and into the ghettos was one of the first solutions, even in doing this the Nazi leadership was undecided as to how to administer it, with the three sections of the newly divided Poland being only give guidelines as how to deal with their Jews. General Government was the area initially designated as the new Jewish homeland, but moving the existing Polish population out was problematic.

When the Germans decided to invade the Soviet Union they realised that they could not feed the ghettos as well as the millions in the invading army.

The events that are generally considered the start of the Holocaust, the einsatzgruppen following the army executing large groups of Jews was not meant as a method to kill the entire Jewish population of the conquored Soviet territories.

Even the Action Reinhardt camps were not initially meant as part of the Final Solution, they were just meant to murder the Jews caught in the ghettos.

It is somewhere around these events that the decision was made to move the whole process forwards and exterminate all of the Jews in occupied Europe.

The closest we can come to a date is some time after Goering asked Heydrich to come up with a plan in July of 1941 and probably before February 1942, though current research is indicating that as the language used in the conference in Feb 1942 did not include plans to import Jews for execution, that the decision could have been made even later.

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